Flowers for Mother's Day

A mother's love knows no boundaries. Thank your mother for the care and love she has given you and send her a bouquet of flowers with a Mother’s day cake. You can find all flowers and gifts for Mother's Day at Interflora - surprise her now!
Bouquet of the day | Cakes and sweets
Delivery address
Delivery date

Mother's Day

Useful tip: We recommend to send Mother’s Day flowers already for Saturday (May 4th). This way, there is no need to worry if the delivery can be made before late Sunday evening, the florist will have more time to prepare the bouquet and the flowers will please your mother the whole weekend! Many Fleurop regular customers have been doing like this for years!

Do you have questions about Mother's Day orders? You will find all important information here.

Flower delivery
Send as a gift or order for yourself. Delivery across Lithuania from € 8,50.
Order delivery on the same day
Ordering Mon-Fri before 16:00 or Sat before 12:00, order will be delivered on the same day.